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Kratom vs Coffee: What Is Better For Energy?

Kratom vs Coffee: What Is Better For Energy?

Coffee culture is all around the world. 74% of Americans start their morning with Coffee. They also have created 100+ varieties and flavorings that go best with their taste. 

Working class use coffee to stay awake and improve their productivity and no doubt you have heard this excuse from your lazy and yawning colleague that “I haven’t had my morning coffee yet”.

But as with most botanical species, coffee does have its share of side effects. Daily consumption can disrupt the sleep cycle, increase anxiety, lower saliva levels, dehydration, and jitters. It can also cause early tooth decay. The overflowing amount of cortisol in the human body can weaken the immune system and majorly affect stress levels. 

To overcome the addiction to coffee or to trade in with healthier alternatives, people have started using kratom. In this article, we’ve dissected its origin, history, chemical composition, health benefits, and possible questions that you might have. 

Everything You Need to Know – Kratom vs Coffee

Kratom and Coffee have different origins and histories, but both work as an energy stimulant and provide several health benefits.  Let’s dive in deeper to know more. 

What is Kratom?

what is kratom

Kratom comes from a tropical tree (Mitragyna Speciosa), that grows in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Papua New Guinea, and other parts of Southeast Asia. Kratom leaves are chewed directly, or dried and brewed into tea. 

Some people also use the dried leaves powder as tablets, liquid extracts, or capsules. As kratom also belongs to the coffee family, it contains alkaloids (mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine) that affect the brain and nervous system of the human body and gives stimulant effects the same as caffeine. 

For hundreds of centuries, Asians have been using botanical herbs to gain energy and cure various alignments. Kratom leaves are commonly used in Southeast Asia to treat pain, fever, diarrhea, and coughs. Some people also use them to boost their energy levels and enhance their mood. 

The effect of Kratom depends on the amount of dosage. The higher consumption of kratom produces sedative sensations while less dose will give you mild stimulant effects. 

Kratom doesn’t contain caffeine but it does provide stimulating effects that are somehow milder than coffee. People also combine both kratom and coffee, however, it can have adverse effects, so always be cautious if you want to mix both. 

Kratom has gained a lot of popularity in the Western world in the past few years, but become a subject of controversy due to its potential for abuse and addiction. The DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) made it illegal to sell in the United States and listed it as a Drug of Concern.

What is Coffee?

what is coffee

Coffee is a popular beverage made from roasted coffee beans that come from the fruit of the coffee plant. The most commonly known species are Coffea arabica (Arabica coffee) and Coffea canephora (Robusta coffee). 

It has a long history dating back to the 15th century. People of Ethiopia first used this plant to feed their goats for more energy and later they also consumed themselves and found the stimulating effect quite good. The plant was eventually cultivated and became popular in other regions of the world and people started roasting and grinding it into a brewed beverage. 

Today, Coffee has hundreds of versions; hot, cold, or iced with milk, sugar, cream, and other flavorings according to taste. 

Along with stimulating properties, Coffee also provides several health benefits for example controlling Parkinson’s, type 2 diabetes, and liver disease. Some researchers also indicate the increased use of coffee can cause heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Both coffee and kratom belong to different origins and histories

Kratom vs Coffee – The Difference

OriginsSoutheast Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia)Ethiopia, cultivated worldwide
EffectsStimulant in low doses, sedative in high dosesStimulant increases alertness
Active CompoundsMitragynine, 7-hydroxy mitragynineCaffeine
DosageVaries by strain, form, and individual toleranceVaries by person and preparation method
FormsRaw leaves, powder, capsules, extractsWhole beans, ground, instant, specialty drinks
Varieties Red, green, white, yellow/gold, and blendsArabica, Robusta, blends, specialty coffee
Possible Side Effects Nausea, vomiting, constipation, addiction, withdrawal symptomsRestlessness, insomnia, gastrointestinal problems, increased restlessness
Legality Legal in some countries, banned or restricted in othersLegal and widely available

Origins and History of Kratom vs Coffee

The origins and history of both Kratom and coffee are traced back to ancient times and have a rich history.

Kratom Origin: 

Apart from being used as a medicine, kratom was also used in religious ceremonies as the plant Mitragyna is believed to have some spiritual properties. 

People of Southeast Asia use kratom to treat different alignments, ease pain, improve energy levels, and relieve fatigue. In Thailand, it was used as a substitute for opium, which was illegal in the country. 

Today, Kratom is widely used in Asia and also become popular in the Western world, where it is used to manage anxiety and depression. It is also used as an alternative to prescribed painkillers. 

Coffee Origin:

As compared to kratom coffee has a more well-documented history and origin. Initially, it was discovered in Ethiopia in the 9th century when people started using it as a stimulant beverage. 

According to ancient stories, a man named Kaldi fed his goats the coffee plant and saw the improved energy levels, then he tried the plant himself and thus found it stimulating. Slowly coffee spread to Europe and the Americas, where it is being used with water and milk, and thus became a very popular beverage. 

Chemical Components and Effects of Kratom and Coffee

Both Kratom and coffee contain distinct alkaloids that produce a variety of effects on the body.

Kratom components: 

Kratom contains two basic alkaloids (Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine). These compounds interact with brain receptors and provide relaxation effects. It also improves your mood. The effect of kratom is highly dependent on the dosage and form of consumption. 

Coffee components: 

Coffee has one single active ingredient; caffeine which is a widely known stimulant for the human nervous system. It has been used to improve focus, alertness, and productivity. Coffee also has numerous disadvantages if consumed in high dosages in minimum duration. It works by blocking adenosine, which is a neurotransmitter that induces sleep.

Health Benefits & Risks of Kratom vs Coffee


Kratom offers several potential health benefits, including pain relief, relaxation, reduced anxiety, and improved mood. Many people use it as a natural remedy for conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, and migraines. However, it’s important to note that Kratom is not approved by the FDA and can have side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and constipation.


Coffee offers various health benefits, including a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, liver cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. It’s also rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from free radicals. However, drinking too much coffee can lead to issues like caffeine addiction, restlessness, and insomnia.

Why Kratom is a great coffee substitute? 

If you want to change your caffeine intake habits or looking for something different to trade with, kratom could be a great swap-in. Kratom comes from the leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa tree that is only found in Southeast Asia. Coffee, on the other hand, is made from the roasted beans of the Coffea Plant which is found in all regions of the world. 

The primary active compounds in kratom are alkaloids like Mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine while coffee has only one active ingredient which is caffeine, a well-known stimulant. 

People all around the world use different botanical things to boost energy and increase alertness and consume coffee, kratom, tea, and many other things to overcome fatigue and stay awake for a long period. However, it is important to discuss with your physician if you intend to take any kind of stimulant. 

How to substitute kratom for coffee?

You can make the kratom tea with hot water or use it in the form of shots, gummies, capsules, or in powder form.  Unlike coffee, kratom has plenty of ways to consume. For hundreds of years, Kratom has been brewed into a tea, however today we have plenty of other innovative ways to replace coffee with botanical and herbal teas.  

Kratom vs Coffee – FAQs

1. Is kratom a safer alternative to coffee?

Everything that is consumed in moderation is safe including both Kratom and Coffee. We can’t say that kratom is a safer alternative to coffee as it is a herb and has potential side effects including overdose, addiction, and high-risk effects on the body. 

2. To avoid caffeine addiction, Can I replace Coffee with Kratom?

No, You can’t use kratom as a substitute for coffee or a solution to avoid caffeine addiction. The herb itself is addictive on some levels. Caffeine consumption is safe if done in moderation. Overdose and addiction are generally associated with excessive or chronic consumption. 

3. How does the preparation of kratom differ from coffee?

Preparation of Coffee is pretty simple as you grind and brew the roasted seeds of Coffea Plant. While Kraton seeds are prepared by grinding the dried leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa Tree.

Coffee is typically consumed black or with milk, sugar, cream, and other flavorings however, Kratom is consumed in the form of powder, capsules, or tea. 

4. What risks should I expect from using Coffee with Kratom?

Mixing both things may pose some side effects, especially for people who are sensitive to caffeine. Blending Kratom with coffee is also not suitable if you consume a high dose of caffeine every day. It can lead to increased heart rate, blood pressure, overstimulation, and to a high extent it can cause restlessness and jitters. 

If fluid intake is not properly maintained, both coffee and kratom will act as diuretics and could cause severe dehydration.  We advise you to always consult with a healthcare provider if you want to mix them for additional benefits. 

5. Does kratom contain caffeine? 

No, kratom does not contain caffeine. Kratom and caffeine are distinct substances. Kratom comes from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree and contains its unique alkaloids, such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine, which interact with the body differently compared to caffeine.

Conclusion: Kratom vs. Caffeine — Which is Better?

Kratom and caffeine both are stimulants that share numerous similarities. Most people need extra kicks to start their day, they might need coffee, however who just need to get through the day can chew a kratom leaf which offers several benefits. 

Both substances have a similar impact thus it is possible to replace a mug of coffee with Kratom. The sale of Kratom is not regulated by the FDA, therefore it’s necessary to do thorough research and only purchase high-quality products from trusted vendors such as Occurs Naturally. At OccursNaturally, we use rigorously tested ingredients and produce our kratom tablets with stringent quality controls. You can view our lab results for full transparency.

Also, make sure to discuss changing or mixing coffee with Kratom with your physician, as a few minor side effects could occur when taking large doses. 

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1 comment
  • Naturalne suplementy
    Oct 21, 2024

    This was such an insightful read. You made everything so easy to understand.

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