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Kratom and Mental Health: Its Impact on Depression & Anxiety

Kratom and Mental Health: Its Impact on Depression & Anxiety

Kratom has gained growing attention in recent years for its potential effects on mental health. This plant which is native to Southeast Asia is used as an herbal supplement and can be used to self-treat various conditions. Kratom and mental health are closely linked as it is used to treat depression, anxiety, and opioid withdrawal symptoms. 

As for now, the scientific evidence for Kratom’s impact on mental health is still limited, and it may carry some risk if not taken with care. 

In this article, we will explore the relationship of Kratom with mental wellness, its benefits, and potential side effects. 

Kratom’s Mechanism of Action

Kratom is rich in mitragynine and contains several alkaloids. These opioids produce effects that vary depending on the dosage and interact with the brain receptors

If you take a low dose of kratom, it has an energizing effect, enhances your mood, and acts as a stimulant. The higher dosage can have a sedative effect, that helps relieve pain perception, and give a sense of calm and peace. 

Its potential mood-enhancing properties are due to the interaction of kratom with the brain’s opioid system. This mechanism may have the potential risk of addiction and dependence linked with kratom use. 

Potential Benefits of Kratom for Mental Health

Kratom derived from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree has emerged as a useful supplement to help people facing mental health challenges. 

Though its use has some significant risks, many users report several benefits of taking Kratom tablets. 

Here are some of the potential benefits of Kratom for mental health:

1. Mood Enhancement

Many kratom users turn to this natural remedy for its mood-enhancing properties. A survey conducted in Southeast Asia revealed that individuals take kratom to cope with daily chores easily and feel better. A significant number of users reported improvement in emotional well-being. 

In a survey, 66% of users indicated that they are using kratom to help fight mental or emotional conditions such as depression and anxiety. The lower dose works as a stimulant and boosts energy

This works as a natural mood lifter as the stimulant leads to the reduction of fatigue and increased sociability. Higher doses tend to produce a sedative effect that can help promote relief feeling and alleviate anxiety. 

2. Anxiety Relief

Many users of Kratom incorporate it in their wellness routing due to its anxiolytic agent. Reports indicate that approximately 22% of users take kratom to help fight symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD. 

The higher dosage gives a calming effect that can help reduce anxiety, providing relief for users who struggle with persistent anxiety disorder. 

The empathogenic kratom effects that are similar to the psychoactive substances may enable users to engage more comfortably in social situations. 

It contributes to the overall sense of well-being and gives them relief from any such disorder. 

3. Self-Management of Depression

For years, kratom has served as a self-administered depression treatment. Studies highlight that kratom acts as a reducing-harming effect tool for individuals who have struggled with opioid addiction. 

Kratom helps manage depressive symptoms, when the conventional treatment fails, and when the patients look for alternatives to medication on prescription.

Kratom has become a popular option for users seeking to manage their mental health challenges by uplifting their mood and providing a sense of relief from emotional distress. 

4. Pain Management and Mental Health Connection

Mental health and chronic pain issues are interlinked for individuals who are experiencing one condition from the other suffering. 

The analgesic properties of Kratom provide pain relief that can improve mental health indirectly by reducing physical discomfort. Many users have reported that kratom use reduces pain and eventually improves their state of mind. This allows them to engage more in their daily activities. 

5. Anecdotal Evidence and User Experiences

The anecdotal reports from a bunch of online forums and communities highlight many personal experiences of users regarding kratom’s benefits for mental health. 

Users frequently report that it has improved their quality of life, increased energy, reduced anxiety, and enhanced mood. Despite the need for more rigorous scientific validation, these testimonials underscore kratom’s potential as an agent for self-managing mental health issues.

Risks and Side Effects of Kratom Use

Kratom use carries significant side effects and risks despite its benefits. It can be addictive and may lead to dependence if used for a long term. In some cases, the withdrawal symptoms can be severe and may include bone and muscle pain, hostility, aggression, irritability, cravings, and mood disturbances. 

Cognitive impairment; including delusion, hallucination, and confusion has been associated with Kratom use. In some cases, kratom has been linked to psychotic or manic symptoms, particularly with individuals having some preexisting mental health issues.

Kratom Use and Specific Mental Health Conditions

1. Kratom and Depression

Some individuals reported the use of kratom to self-treat depression but the efficacy of evidence is limited. A study says that people who use kratom to self-treat mental conditions, including depression, have seen a reduction in the symptoms. However, more research is needed to find the safety and effectiveness of kratom use for treating depression.

2. Kratom and Anxiety Disorders

Apart from depression, kratom has also been used to treat anxiety disorder by some individuals. It can be used as a potential opioid substitute for opioid use disorder that co-exists with anxiety symptoms. However, the research studies have not yet validated the kratom’s long-term usage. 

3. Kratom and Bipolar Disorder

Some studies found a significant association between the use of kratom and the worsening of Manic or psychotic symptoms in people with pre-existing psychiatric conditions. These findings highlight the risk of kratom use for individuals with mental health conditions and bipolar disorder.

4. Kratom and Psychosis

Kratom has been associated with the development of psychosis in some cases however it has the potential for inducing psychotic symptoms. These findings suggest that using kratom may pose some risk for individuals with pre-existing psychotic disorders.

Kratom Use During Pregnancy and Postpartum

Using kratom during postpartum or pregnancy is an issue as it may have adverse effects on the mother’s mental health and the developing fetus. Neonatal abstinence syndrome is linked with kratom use during pregnancy, this is a condition in which the newborn baby experiences withdrawal symptoms due to substances in the uterus.

Moreover, after childbirth, postpartum depression is a serious mental health condition. There is a potential for kratom to exacerbate or induce mood disorder while using it in a critical pregnancy period. 

Regulation and Safety Concerns

There are lack of regulation and standardization concerns surrounding kratom. The ingredients or substances can be contaminated due to lacking quality control measures.

This makes it difficult for consumers to know the exact potency and composition of the kratom they are using. The legal status of kratom varies across different states. You can check out the FDA disclaimer for the age and states where it is banned. 

However, OccursNaturally uses tested ingredients and produces kratom tablets under strict quality checks. You can check out our lab results


Some individuals use kratom for self-treating mental health conditions, however, the scientific evidence for this is limited. Its use carries some risks for people who have pre-existing mental health conditions, so it should be taken carefully. 

It is advised to be aware of these risks, and consult your healthcare professional before doing so. More research is needed to determine the efficacy of kratom and requires appropriate regulations, and quality control for the kratom industry.

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